Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here's proof that our soldiers are mean, mean, mean - Part 5

Former Chief of Defence, General Rick Hillier came to the defense of our mean, mean, mean soldiers when he stated that most detainees were taken after attacks and only after they were found to have physical evidence ... such as explosive residue ... on them.
"We detained under violent actions, people trying to kill our sons and daughters," he said. "We didn't base our work on things like reports written in May or June 2006, which said nothing about abuse, nothing about torture or anything else that would have caught my attention or indeed the attention of others."

But, are we stupid to believe this patriotic man? Of course not!! Check out these pics and you will draw the same conclusion that I have, that our soldiers are mean and sadistic and should be brought home and court martialed. I care little that some of them have been blown to smithereens by the Taliban, let their own family if they had any mourn for their loss, it's no skin off my nose that they were over there fighting on our behalf. So, on behalf of the allegedly tortured Taliban who are God's gift to this planet, we should all demand of our government that our mean soldiers be all court martialed without delay.

In the pic above, this mean soldier is using that "squeeze palm" torture on a little girl who was being introduced to him by her brother. Sad situation.

And here in this pic, this little girl is offering a fruit to our guy in exchange for not committing some war crime on her and her father.

Alert, alert!! Child labor. Major war crime being committed here.

In the pic below our soldier is using the "torture by squeezing palm to a pulp" technique on this brick layer.


  1. This needs to be exposed, these mean, mean, mean, military and so it would be my hope that you are planning to EXPOSE this extraordinary MEANESS, with at least 100 additional "Parts".

    Keep up this explosive expose!

  2. When we took on the 12th SS in Normandy there was an alarming rash of "Prisoner shot while trying to escape" reports filed by our troops after word got around about the massacre at the Abbeye Ardenne.



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