Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here's proof that our soldiers are mean, mean, mean - Part 4

Liberal MP John McCallum has thrown doubt on the good our soldiers are doing in Afghanistan and accused them, on national TV no less, of war crimes. His exact words were : "......and the fact that they may have been committing war crimes, handing over detainees knowing that they were very likely to be tortured, that is a war crime."

Hmmmmmmmmm .... you know something? He is probably right. Look at these pics and judge for yourself if this does not prove that our guys and gals are committing untold harm to the Afghans? Love can be disastrous, just in case you didn't know.

In this pic our soldier is committing a kind of torture called "tickling to death". In this particular kind of torture, the native kids are made to tickle the soldiers until they die of exhaustion.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk ... this is not good. This soldier is tasting the little kiddo before he sprinkles some salt and pepper on it and starts munching.

And can you believe this? Here this guy is teaching the new generation the comradeship sign of a "high five". Oh Lordy..Lordy. These war crimes need to be punished.

So you thought our soldiers were mean only to the natives and the Taliban? They are super bad even to the Afghan dogs. In this pic this soldier with his big black glares has frightened this poor dog to a shivering mass. McCallum should get this guy court martialed straight away


  1. "Juicy" John McCallum is an idiot. He always was an idiot and he will always be an idiot.

  2. He was probably baked when he made the comment, but considering that he only insulted the Canadian Forces, what does it matter? It matters enough that there's a ton of people that would like to kick his A$$ for his comments.

  3. Thanks for that McCallum, and what kind of car do you drive John?



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