Saturday, January 30, 2010

Funny stuff from NP's Full Comment

Kelly McParland has published some rude comments he gets, and he gets them even on articles that he has not authored. If they appear in Full Comment, everyone presumes they are his. Over and besides, I am directing you there, for another reason. You will know what, when you get there.

Also, I found this comment pretty funny and am wondering if Finn is actually Marx who keeps placing comments all over the BT blogs, or maybe not. Marx does not hate the Chinese, but this goes to prove that there are lefties like Marx all over.
obama is so powerful. he is god. all people must support obama.I only need wine, wine, we win! win! I helped obama, I am very great obama is great god, if obama, peter axel nielsen and policemen killed the fool student in USA, then there is no any problem again.they should not arrest her in jail, kill her forever. I hate chinese.I hate china. USA is powerful ! obama ia best! obama is god! I love obama,I love wine, he is very kind.all people must support obama ,
obama ia god! I love him forever. I am very great! all people must support
obama! all people must support obama forever!

1 comment:

  1. Finn, sounds like "new" that was a frequent poster at SDA but then maybe there is just a hidden factory somewhere that clones these robots.

    As for Marx, I think many of us have determined that his stuff is entirely satirical but he is very good at keeping the musings and his/her mysterious persona alive.
    Creative strangeness, to say the least. Amusing too if you are in the satirical camp.


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