Thursday, January 14, 2010

BTs featured in NYTimes blogrunner

As everyone knows The New York Times has become a hard-left newspaper. However, in the last week to 9 days alone they have featured some of these blogs from our listing at Blogging Tories in their blog runner. I know that knowing this is not going to send a tingle up your leg as you have more important things on your plate to write and care about and would not give two figs if the NYTimes featured you or not ... but I just thought I would keep a record of these. Cheers!!!


Gay and Right


Gay And Right

The Canadian Sentinel


The Phantom Observer


  1. They more or less just pick these blogs according to their rankings on various traffick-tracking sites.

    There clearly isn't much editorial oversight for this process.

    After all, this lunatic is polluting NYT Blogrunner on an ongoing basis.

  2. Patrick - precisely because of the gloating there is why I am keeping track. The NYTimes has been and always will be in favor of featuring the leftish blogs.
    I believe there have been complaints about their bias and hence they have starting sprinkling a few of the BTs now and then.

  3. I'd really like to see how the NYT editors would react to some of Robert Peter John Day's more embarrassing moments.

    They really ought to be embarrassed to associate with him in any way, shape or form -- if only we could bring these things to their attention.


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