Sunday, January 10, 2010

BTs, do you need help to repel that freak of a blog linking to yours ?

All you have to do is entice Patrick Ross of The Nexus of Assholery to comment on your blog, and presto... that freak of a blog that links to you with irritating commentary will stop doing so. If you are more concerned about the 5 cents more that you will make because of the traffic generated, than ignore this post and continue making those extra cents to your heart's content.

Here we had a kingsize canister of Lysol in Patrick Ross and we were not aware of it. Better late than never, eh?!  However, I really don't see why the freak is still linking to Sandy of Just Politics, Stephen Taylor and other Blogging Tories. I am sure Ross has commented on those blogs too, sometime or the other.  Oh well .... logic has never ever taken the trouble to visit  that freak, not once.

That blog is allergic to Ross and had this to say today :
OK, HERE'S THE DEAL: You'll notice that, where there used to be a link up there under "not so much", there is no link anymore. And that's because of a new policy of mine.

I will no longer link to (or I will remove links to) any blog posts where one Patrick "Twatsy" Ross has commenting privileges, for the simple reason that Twatsy shows up to comment for the sole purpose of leaving links back to his site to pimp his crap and boost his blog stats.

If he wants more visitors, he's welcome to do that by publishing stuff that isn't execrable, eliminationist crap. But it's tiring to see Twatsy suddenly pop up in someone's comments section, only to say something stupid before linking back to himself.

So there you go, Balby and Stageleft. As long as Twatsy gets to comment over at your abode, you get no more links from me. I have no interest in pimping his creepy, racist rubbish.


  1. This is actually going to be pretty fun. I'm going to find as many blogs as possible that list Canadian Cynic on the blog roll, and comment on them all.

    It won't be long until ol' Robbie Day doesn't have any friends left.

  2. I have found Ross to be a great help with my trolls. You are right, since he started commenting on my blog, someone who will remain nameless has stopped linking to me.

    I still have my resident trolls, but they are mainly harmless and are a great example of how clueless the left really is, so I let them out every once in awhile to prove the point.

  3. To paraphrase a wise philosopher, "bloggers with no talent can easily amuse idiots with a stupid puppet show"

    I have bigger fish to fry. I was officially Tweeted by Kady O'Malley today, so I can scratch that off my bucket list...

    You are talking about a little fish in a big pond.

  4. And 5 cents a day is almost $20 a year, which in an ING high interest savings account year over year...You may even be able to afford an IPod in 5 years.

  5. Maria I have ignored cc for a very long time. It is utterly irrelevant.
    Patrick has commented on my place quite a few times so hopefully cc will go elsewhere.
    Patrick is great at defanging leftist trolls. As I have said before thank you Patrick.

  6. Not surprising "dodo can't read". If you had passed reading comprehension last year in grade school, you would know CC is refusing to link only to specific progressive blogs, because normal people read them and are tired of PR's endless self linking off topic drivel. CC doesn't care about conservatards like yourself, because he links those to mock them, and PR's presence only adds to the obvious hilarity in such places.
    So you can have PR, the libeling buffoon who threatens people with violence and is now openly counseling to commit murder.

  7. liberal supporter - how are your knees holding up? They must be worn out by now with the constant kneeling you are doing at the corroding corpse's feet. You are among the few who like the taste in your mouth while there on your knees, don't you? Carry on then, don't let us interrupt you in your daily sucking chores.

  8. Thank you for conceding I am right by going ad hominem. But you should go to PR for better material. If I hadn't seen your comment, I wouldn't think there was someone with lamer insults than PR. Fortunately for you, engaging in homosexual activity is not a crime, despite Stephen Harper's best efforts to re-criminalize homosexuality. So your lies do not constitute defamation, as falsely stating that I engage in criminal activity would be. Your words are merely a schoolyard insult, and a lame one at that. Get new material, fool.
    And work on that reading comprehension. First you misread CCs blog post, now you misread my last comment.


  9. liberally stuffed with suppositories - don't take time off for commenting here and there. Pay heed to the task in mouth and continue the good work you have been allocated to do. Loads of goodwill coming your way. Enjoy.

  10. You still haven't addressed the fact that your post is based on your inability to read with comprehension. Try as you might to change the channel by projecting your sexual fantasies onto me, you can't avoid the fact that you just don't get it.

  11. full of suppositories - I simply cannot get past the image of you on your knees sucking away like there is no tomorrow. Also, I don't want to distract you from your task. Carry on sucker.

  12. So you figure if you keep trying your lame attempt at an insult it will eventually work, even though it is not working now?
    The very definition of insanity. And you really should get a boyfriend, you seem to be obsessing about sex acts a lot. I understand PR is single.


  13. full of suppositories - keep posting. I want my readers to see the kind of madness that springs forth from people that make up the hard left.
    Your posts are getting derisive laughter from my family, friends and readers of this blog.
    I thank you for that.
    Please continue to use your fingers to type while your mouth works furiously at the task you continue doing.
    And, try to take care of those knees. This harsh winter is not too good for being on them for so long and so often.

  14. I want my readers to see the kind of madness that springs forth from people that make up the hard left.
    I think your psychiatric condition is being amply displayed by your own words. You demonstrate obsessiveness, inability to face reality, and of course stunning levels of ignorance.

    Your posts are getting derisive laughter from my family, friends and readers of this blog.
    I shall add "has hallucinations" to your chart.

    I thank you for that.
    Good for you.

    Please continue to use your fingers to type while your mouth works furiously at the task you continue doing.
    And what task would that be? You are the one with the obsession here, perhaps you should find an outlet for it.

    And, try to take care of those knees. This harsh winter is not too good for being on them for so long and so often.
    My knees are fine, though a little weak from laughter. I know it's not polite to laugh at a retard, but I'm laughing at you anyway.

    And you continue to be wrong about what CC said about linking other blogs. You can blow smoke or blow Stephen Harper until you I mean the cows come home, but you can't change the fact that you got it wrong, and continue to get it wrong.

  15. full of suppositories sucker .........


    that's how much we are all laughing at you


  16. What we have here is failure to communicate. Which is how Libby wants it.

    Well, he gets it. Bust mostly because he tacitly refuses to have it any other way.

    For example, Libby's reading comprehension is so poor that a post in which progressives who value their autonomy to withdraw their support of Robert Peter John Day is misrepresented as counselling murder.

    But here's the hilarious thing: I'd daresay that Libby just wrote us a license to dig up some of Robbie Day's old posts and accuse him of counselling murder.

    There are some that could be interpreted that way by someone who wants to badly enough.

    My lord, but Libby is so stupid.



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