Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bets are on: There won't be an election this year

I have already placed my bets that we are not going to see an election this year. Lay your bets BTs, what do you think?

.....Common political folklore would have you believe that the PM only gets his jollies from smashing his opponents to smithereens. But what few appreciate is the guy likes to govern and arguably does it well. With Canada hosting three of the world's biggest and most visible events, Olympics, G-20, G-8 between now and July Stephen Harper will have much on his plate. He also takes his ongoing management of economic recovery seriously. Steady governing can be as politically advantageous as kicking sand in your opponent's face. .....

I laughed aloud at this comment to the article from Canada1

Well, if there is an election in the spring, the conservatives do have an enormous advantage.
The conservatives are "superbly" organized, their war room would make Karl Rove full of envy, they are far ahead in $$$$/political contributions, and they have managed to "stifle" all opposition/discussion by proroguing parliament.
So....advantage to the conservatives.
Is that a "good thing"? Not from where I am sitting, but than again, I am a liberal supporter, meaning I have had my a$$ kicked so many times in the not so distant past.....I am starting to feel like Iggy.
Oh well.......


  1. No election, PM Harper will be too busy getting international attention.

  2. Agreed. I will raise you that and say the next elction Harper will not face Iffy but Rae when it happens.

  3. Let me tell everyone in the country that there will not be an election this year. Democracy has been murdered and thus by definition free and fair elections are extinct like the dodo. How can you have an election when Harper murdered Democracy? No Democracy means no election. What is more likely to happen is that Harper permanently dissolves the Government, with the help of Michaelle Jean, shreds our constitution, and proclaims himself dictator as he uses the military to invade Montreal and Toronto who refuse to bow to his iron fist.

    That's what is going to happen. Soldiers with guns in our streets. Coming to a city near you, 2010. Paul Martin and Scott Reid told it us it would happen, and I will have a big heaping plate of "I told you so" when the PMO issues "order 66" and eliminates all the brave Liberal politicians and is forced to invade cities who don't capitulate. This is going to happen. Trust me. I am incapable of being wrong.

  4. moosehaven - okay. And if it is Rae, Harper wins a majority outright because Rae will not do good in Ontario. I have my reasons why.
    All Rae's plotting to get rid of Iffy will come to nought.
    And all Rae's sucking up to tamil tigers and hamas /hezbollah supporters will be in vain. Wait and see.

  5. Here's something else to throw in the mix - see any Libs at a crosswalk?

  6. The Prime Minister, has met the absolute worst of the Opposition parties and Canadian media, it simply cannot get more abysmal and he has navigated it with the precision of a hot knife through butter.

    That is what has always been up with this negative attention, imo. The MSM, cannot get his attention because he is NOT an EGOTIST, he is a LEADER.

    That personality is very difficult to fracture, when focused and agenda driven as the PM has proven time and time again to be.

    Losing an election for him, WILL NOT be the end of the world personally because he is in this not for himself but for HIS country.

    Unlike Ignatieff. The Liberal leader is in this for himself and NOT for the country.

    So an election? NO.

  7. I wish I had a crystal ball and knew what was going to happen. It's not impossible that the Canadian people will make it known that they want an election to give the Conservatives a majority to streamline Governmental function.

    Stranger things have happened in the land of the midnight sun & I'm ready to go on a moments notice. Signs, phone, door knocking, what ever it takes to give us a Conservative Majority.

  8. moosehaven - the one I would like to see crossover to us is Martha Hall-Finley. No bets on that happening, but one never knows.

  9. Marx - just dropped in to pick up some shine from Dodo eh?! Still living in your mom's basement?


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