Thursday, December 17, 2009

Senator Annie Cools needs to know how a connection is made

between Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery.

With all respect madam, what would you call a person who is made to work without pay, beaten and raped and is considered a piece of property and not a human being? Do you have a word for it? Those of us who have encountered such individuals know that they are nothing but modern day slaves.

A 2-day seminar from March 2, will be held in Ottawa on Human Trafficking.

Professor David Batstone on why Human Trafficking is akin to slavery

How to spot a victim of human trafficking

Learn more about the plague of Human


  1. Yeah, I have a name for someone who is made to work without pay, beaten and raped and is considered a piece of property. He/she is called a citizen of a western democracy after the government takes all their wages to send to tin-pot dictators, forces them to accept Sharia law, and treats them like garbage.

  2. I have some advice for Senator Cools:



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