Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I am embarrassed that I am the cause of the unravelling online ...

of the corroding corpse. It is not a pretty sight. Far be it for me to wish the breakdown of someone I know only through these political forums. The man probably has a wife and kids and a family that actually loves him (hard to believe, but miracles do happen). I have been known to be very nasty to my foes and most have even lived to tell the tale. However, I have not had this disastrous an effect on someone I have never met personally.

From now on, and only because it is the Christmas season, and I love Christmas because "having a good conscience is like an eternal Christmas", I will do my very best not to goad the man into making a further fool of himself. I promise to keep my claws hidden, at least until the New Year .... unless something really, really juicy turns up and I just cannot keep the self-imposed restriction going on any longer.

Also, I have to confess that I had no idea Yahoo and Google brought up pages and pages of results on my blog name. Wow !! That's free publicity, not that I want any. I am content just saying what I want to say. Whether someone agrees with me or not, concerns me not. Thanks to the corroding corpse talking about a google ad he saw at my blog that he presumes is a mockery of the blog and of me personally, by Google, I thought of checking what the net says about my blog and I spent more than an hour checking out the Google entries and it was fun to count all the nasty names and the mockery directed at moi from the Left, and to think I started blogging just a few months ago! More feathers in my cap. The day the left starts praising me is the day I will crawl away and hide my face in shame.

I would have thought that someone with the corroding corpse's software background would know that Google ads are based on "word finds" by the Googlebot, words found  in the downloaded pages. To even think for a moment that an organization as mega-huge as Google is paying attention to my blog is hilarious to say the least. Oh... the diminishing credibility of the corroding corpse is simply mind-boggling. He and his monkeys should just stick to finding out my misspelled words and I will do my best to entertain them with many more.

Strange that a dodo like me can make the guy tick like a time bomb in its last few seconds. All the other monkeys hanging in there with their tails curled around the branches of that foul smelling tree, better start wearing bullet proof vests because the time bomb might go off without any warning. Sometimes, I really do wish I had a lower IQ so I could start understanding the chattering in that tree. It is easier to understand the googoogaga of baby talk then the screeching rubbish from these nut-bars. These people have still not found themselves, but when they do, they will surely be very disappointed. Tsk, tsk.

Time and time again, corroding corpse humiliates himself by writing about yours truly and putting up screen shots of my postings,etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.etc. The sad truth is that without the BT board, the man would lose the last little thread of sanity he is holding on to for dear life. Let's all pat ourselves on our collective backs for keeping a leftie alive, even if only just. Let the guy suffer under the delusion of his own importance while we roar away in delicious laughter at his antics


  1. Good point - The individual is deluded and requires professional help.
    Intelligence is not one of his strong points.

  2. I know of whom you speak. He hates me also. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  3. Not necessarily,Iceman,the enemy of your enemy may just be temporarily distracted,and will get around to you when he's finished with HIM.

    So,who ARE you talking about?

    btw, if anyone wishes me a "happy holiday" again this year,I may lose it.


  4. Lynn - lucky you for not knowing who we speak of. I would be the last one to direct you to that cesspool.

    And, I am just hoping someone will wish me a "happy holiday" so I can happily practice my karate moves on them.

  5. Here is hoping you and yours have a Merry Christmas.

  6. Thank you CanadianSense, and the very best Merry Christmas to you too.


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