Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How misguided students and others grab taxpayers' money

and the mayor of Toronto marches with them in Copenhagen. The dirty little moochers are everywhere. In Copenhagen they barge into a hall where Nunavut Premier Eva Aariak was speaking and shout chants. They strip in the streets to the bare minimum to "prove" the earth is warming, they carry communist flags and want to see the end of capitalism.

At McGill University, at a Pro-Life presentation these moochers shout down speakers in the most shameful way. This is the method these delusional youngsters have adopted now. They shout and sing and chant to stop anyone from speaking the truth or anything they do not want to hear.

In Ottawa they climb government buildings right under the noses of security guards and the police force,  most of whom are  likely members of Unions and probably gave them a "wink-wink we don't know what you are doing". Who can you trust when even the police force are in cahoots with the Left ?

Where is the money coming from? One of the Blogging Tories had a long list of outfits donating to Greenpeace and such. Maybe, Greenpeace in turn donates to other outfits so they can all act in concert to defraud us. I have not had a good look at that long list of donors to Greenpeace and right now I cannot recall the blogger's name to link it here. What are the chances that some of those outfits are giving in to blackmail and paying the ransom ... ransom demanded or else the Greenpeace nuts will organize a protest outside the premises of whichever company does not come forth with a donation.

The fault should largely be placed at the feet of parents. A good upbringing and deep understanding and interest in what your kids were up to in school or university might have prevented them from taking this road which will in most likelihood. end nowhere good very soon.

And, if the above links were not enough to make you mad, then read this:
Today, I joined 100,000 other citizens of the global community to demonstrate in the streets of Copenhagen, calling on world leaders to take bolder action on climate change. An ocean of people stretching farther than anyone could see waved messages such as “Bla bla bla...ACT NOW” and “There is no Planet B."
There was something powerful being in the midst of this commanding yet peaceful movement, which sent a loud and clear message to leaders that lack of progress on the climate change issue is unacceptable. It was a refreshing break, situated halfway in the middle of negotiations full of formalities, jargon and business suits.
People are rising up to call on our governments to do more. David Miller, mayor of Toronto, marched alongside us today. Back home, mayors, premiers, industry representatives, academics, indigenous peoples and youth are all sending a unified message of stronger action on climate change.

h/t: Gay and Right for McGill vid

1 comment:

  1. The fact that these trolls would feature David Miller as one of the examples of politicians who march for their cause shows everyone just how dimwitted they are. Don't they know that outside of socialist Toronto this guy is regarded as a laughing stock.


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