Friday, December 18, 2009

The benevolence of McGuinty with taxpayers' money

is simply dumbfounding. Before the end of his present role, he is making sure his resume for the next one will say: "Spear-headed the building of a modern transit system for the Capital of Canada".

It's an early Christmas for Ottawa residents.
Premier Dalton McGuinty is in the capital today to announce that the province will provide $600 million to the city to fund its light rail transit system. The announcement was made this morning at the RA Centre.

cartoon credit:


  1. I had the good sense to leave Ontario before Dalton could implement his first budget. Now Gordon Campbell is chasing me to Alberta with a carbon tax and an HST. I have vowed never to return to Ontario until Dalton loses his job.

  2. Mc Slimey is getting ready to bail on Ontario,no fun anymore. With Iffy in a nose dive his sights are on the leadership of the LPC. Don't forget Ottawa is his home and a union town ,good start in a many ways.


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