Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Afghanistan situation as seen by an Afghan blogger

Nasim Fekrat writes in both Farsi and English. 26-year old Nasim has already won the "Freedom of Expression" blog award given by Reporters without Borders org. and has won several other awards for the excellent blogging he has been doing from his home country. Nasim's opinions are clear and truthful. Take a few minutes to go through as many of his posts as possible.

Fekrat writes:
After a long debate over increasing troops in Afghanistan, finally, President Obama said that he has decided to send around 30,000 extra troops to Afghanistan. Now, deploying 30,000 troops to Afghanistan is a good idea but I’m doubtful that this will work as a long-term strategy to “finish the job.” A long-term strategy to mitigate the violence and end the war in Afghanistan is to train and equip the Afghan National Army.......
AfghanLord blog

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