Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jihad through the Web

....In mid-2008, I was invited by the FBI to look at the voluminous evidence they had gathered against a group of defendants who were caught plotting to attack various military installations on the East Coast, including Fort Dix in New Jersey. At first, I was a skeptic. Most of the men under scrutiny were Westernized Albanian Muslims who spoke little to no Arabic, were into hip-hop music, and were working as pizza delivery boys and taxi drivers. They didn't have any obvious connection to al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden, they had never visited a real terrorist training camp, and they cut a pretty kooky appearance. They certainly didn't seem to fit the classical terrorist stereotype.....

h/t Irene: A Web of Lone wolves

1 comment:

  1. Too much time on their hands and the whole world in front of them with the computer. Networking rejects can now collaborate and fuel their inherently fanatical hatred of the West en masse, contriving to terrorize, sabotage, and demoralize that which they can never realize, other than via criminal depiction, HOLLYWOOD.


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