Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Glenn Beck cuts to the core of Gore

Segments 6 and 7. Click on the little thingy that pops up in the last few seconds of seg 6 for the next seg.


  1. Seriously, you believe Glenn Beck is a great thinker and not an entertainer? HAve you seen the fake tears youtibe video....

    Beck is a divisive nut. You have my sympathy.

  2. Did Gore actually say "there is a growing concern between the connection between the grwoing meat intensity of diets around the world and damage to the environment...but I'm no vegitarian"?

    Yup, he did! He has no intention of "rowing with the other slaves"!

  3. GritPatriot - yup, he is an entertainer just like Obama with one difference, Glenn says a lot of stuff that people are thinking.
    Obama got himself elected as Prez of the greatest country on earth, solely on entertainment value. People believed Obama.
    People don't have to believe Glenn, he says what most people now know to be the truth.

    Hmmmmmm....maybe Glenn should run for the presidency. His entertainment value, coupled with the conviction of what he says, will propel him from Fox to the WH.


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