Monday, October 26, 2009

Victor Malarek: Men who buy sex feeds human trafficking

Many of us know Victor Malarek from his hosting of the The Fifth Estate and W-Five. He is also the author of several books and is a staunch supporter of stricter laws for criminals found guilty of human trafficking.

Malarek is an investigative reporter and has written a couple of  books on the sex trade industry in Canada. His latest work, "The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men who Buy it" lays the blame of human trafficking at the feet of men who buy sex.

In a recent interview, Malarek said:
"There is a lot of 'wink, wink, nudge, nudge' still in our police forces, all the way up to the Crowns (prosecutors) and into the courts. That horse-blinder thinking has got to stop. We have to start looking at the reality that is out there, and the reality is that these women are being prostituted worldwide and throughout North America and Canada."

"They are the victims of a system that is in place for men, so you have to decriminalize the women and criminalize the men. Once you do that, you send out the message that it is men who are responsible, and you will see things start to change."

1 comment:

  1. Yeah that's one way of seeing it.

    Here's another:


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