Thursday, October 8, 2009

This is the biggest HAHAHAHAHA story of the century

Saudis will ask for aid if world cuts dependence on oil. Can you think of anything else funnier? These fat cats have been rolling in their petro dollars and holding the world at ransom and now this godforsaken country wants aid if the world does not buy oil from them?

via Drudge: Saudis will become beggars


  1. Saw this earlier. Sometimes you just have to give your head a shake.

  2. Other than employing servants and foreign professionals, what modern skills does the average Arabian male possess? Cheers.

  3. This reminds me of Danny Williams, but the other way around. Danny Boy wants to continue social welfare payments after the Province struck oil.

  4. The poor Saudi's could ask their brothers to sell their US holdings, poor babies. probably are, actually.

    The problem over there in the entire middle east (except Israel) and east Africa is lack of jobs for those baby-boomer of the world of auld. Testosterone 20-year olds need some focus, direction and a role in society other than self-immolation and jihad. Their governments do not know how to find purpose and meaning for these boys.


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