Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Terrorists in our midst

h/t: Atlas Shrugs:     A few hours ago a man was arrested in Boston and it is alleged that he was conspiring to kill 2 US politicians and  attack shopping malls.

Pharmacy college graduate planned to kill and cause terror


  1. This bastard wants to kill politicians and US military put him in a locked room with a Navy SEAL and he can "get er done"
    Rob C

  2. Kids! What's the matter with these darn kids today?! Is it too much TV, or something in the water? OOPS, I take that back... There might be "something in the water" one day soon, and it'll be lethal enough to kill on a massive scale. These college guys have come a long way from upsetting outhouses and cramming themselves into phone-booths. Nothing like home-grown terrorism to teach us to be more vigilant.


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