Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush Limbaugh, liberals love to hate him

Read this article over at RedState. Emphasis mine.

.......So it is with great sadness that I see a man whose complete absence of racism made me receptive to his conservative message, is now vilified by the ignorant and the vile, as the antithesis.

It is with great sadness that I see otherwise brilliant journalists like Jason Whitlock rely upon unreliable sources for despicable false quotes rather than fact-check, or, pray tell, actually call Rush before going to press.

But I also know that it is not the recently released false quotes that are at the heart of the faux uproar attending a possible purchase of the St. Louis Rams. The fake quotes were first posted on line in 2005. Rush has been vilified since 1988 for accurate quotes, either taken out of context, or completely misunderstood. But the main reason for the uproar is that liberals see conservatism itself as racist or, rather, a threat to their own racism cloaked as compassion.

So, it is with even more sadness that I see ignorance and/or political correctness enforced like Stalinism (without the mass murder) among some NFL owners. One nugget from the Colt’s Irsay is a smoking gun to break through the ignorance, and that is his suggestion that Tony Dungy be asked his opinion of Rush..........

read the whole thing .... it's a beautiful insight into the life of a man most people love to hate

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