Sunday, October 11, 2009

Polar bear population increases despite Al Gore's doomsday prediction

Let's dedicate today to the hypocrites of the world.
Al Gore declines to answer. You have to wonder what kind of bucks people make for the constant untruths they utter. What a horrible, disgusting way to make a living. If not for Bush, this man would have been the US Prez and the world would have started decaying from 8+ years ago.

"There aren't just a few more bears. There are a ... lot more bears," biologist Mitchell Taylor told the Nunatsiaq News of Iqaluit in the Arctic territory of Nunavut. Earlier, in a long telephone conversation, Dr. Taylor explained his conviction that threats to polar bears from global warming are exaggerated and that their numbers are increasing. He has studied the animals for the Nunavut government for two decades.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful....goes right along with this one...

    when will these idiots learn to shut up about science when they forget something as simple as 90% of our planets surface is water and it has the highest specific heat capacity of anything naturallty occuring on the planet


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