Monday, October 26, 2009

NDP MP praises disruptive tactics of environmental hooligans

This is what the madness in Canada has come to.  MPs now praise hooligans who disrupt sessions in the House of Commons. Shame on MP Cullen.  Instead of setting a good example to the misguided, he throws fuel into the fire.
NDP MP Nathan Cullen, who stood outside watching after the protesters were ushered from the building, praised the disruptive tactics.

"It's pretty powerful, there's no doubt about it, young people getting this animated," said Cullen.

"We always say we want them interested in the House of Commons. They've chosen this path."
NDP MP praises disruption of session

1 comment:

  1. Yes, young people are more easily seduced into animated behavior. They are not experienced enough to know any better. Remember the "Hitler Youth"? They were among the most fanatical of his followers.


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