Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dangerous Laser beams directed at aircraft

Pilots are complaining that people are deliberately pointing astronomy lasers at their cockpits. Back in August there was an incident in Kelowna of laser lights being flashed into cockpits of commercial  flights and the RCMP had a media release warning the offenders. Clearly, warnings from the authorities does not seem to deter these scoundrels as now there has been another incident in Ontario. One can only wonder if similar mischief has not played a role in the small plane crashes of late, as there have been more than a 100 laser beam incidents across Canada.
"There was a light that came out and hit me right in the eyes. It took a couple of seconds before I realized what was going on," Mobbs recounted to Canada AM Tuesday.

"I was able to alert the other pilot and he was able to duck down from the beam so he didn't get hit; he just saw the flash in the cockpit."

The laser damaged Mobbs' retina and the pain started almost immediately
Pilots urge tougher penalties for laser attacks

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