Saturday, October 17, 2009

CNN's Rick Sanchez apologizes

It is ludicrous to paint Rush Limbaugh as a racist individual. Rush has been the biggest supporter of Jindal, whose origins are Indian, and in fact Rush has been his only vocal supporter even after Jindal's disastrous response to Obama's congressional address some months back. Rush's partner on his radio program and his  long-time friend is Bo Snerdley, and until this recent nonsense put about by the Left, nobody even knew that this voice on the radio belonged to a black man. Well.....that has now changed and Bo Snerdley has now offically become an Obama criticizer.
Obama and his administration are behaving very childishly. The more they whine, the more they are laying themselves open for critics to materialize with  freshly sharpened arrows that will  mercilessly keep hitting their targets. 


  1. Yeah Sanchez? How about when you outright lie?

    Let's hear your apology for that.Otherwise, your half hearted and forced apology does not cut it.

  2. That was a very weak apology. I suspect it was done to save him and his network from being sued.

  3. It wasn't foxes; it was quail. Some would say lawyers. And the shooter was the vice-president. Being Canadians, you might have missed that part.

  4. The Seer - the cartoon was not the work of a Canadian cartoonist. If I remember right, it was from the GOP's Townhall cartoons archieve and refers to the recent attack from WH on Fox News.
    Canadians are more savvy on politics down south than you think we are.


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