Thursday, October 22, 2009

CBC's title is blatantly STUPID: " Winnipeg's poor sell meds to get by"

Is it any wonder that CBC and CTV are loathed by many of us?  If one goes by the title of this article, you would presume that the homeless are only given meds and no money (the meds themselves probably cost the taxpayer more than the welfare payments doled out each month). However, the impression the reporter wants to give us is that the government is not doing enough  for the poor homeless people of Winnipeg  and  that is the reason why these people have to sell their meds to get by.

What about the welfare checks that these people get? What do they do with that money? Did the reporter bother to ask the people who were interviewed or just wrote out  this slanted piece of news to vilify the Canadian government ?

One of the woman interviewed said: “You need hairspray and deodorant and a toothbrush,” she said. “They’re not supplied [at the shelter], so what are you going to do?”

Did the reporter stop to think exactly what this woman is expecting from the government? This homeless person needs a hairspray? And, how much does a toothbrush cost? And how many times in a year does one need a fresh toothbrush?

A more beneficial reporting would have been to report to us what the homeless do with the money they get.
I would have asked these questions:
1) How many bottles of wine did you drink today and how much did they cost you?
2) How many times did you shoot up today and what did you pay for each shot?
3) How much did you make today by panhandling and being a pest to the general public?
4) Is there any water supply at the shelter?  Oh there is?!  When was the last time you took a bath?
5) How many packs of cigs did you smoke today and how much did they cost?

CBC, either you report the RIGHT kind of news otherwise kindly just SHUT UP.

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