Friday, October 9, 2009

Canadians have become more conservative and our neighbours are following suit

One year ago, PM Stephen Harper said: Canadians have become more accepting of small -c conservative ideas in recent years.

How true, how very true. Our PM seems to hit the right chords every single time. Remember his remarks last year about buying opportunities on the stock market, and how the media went after him for that? Look at the market today and compare it with just 10 months ago. Maybe, it's still a "false bull" which happens in periods of extended recessions. However, the fact remains that we have climbed a long way up from the bottom.

Yes, Canada is becoming more conservative. New immigrants are realizing with each passing day how the leftish parties of Canada are pandering to criminal factions in our society and how these parties are ever ready to show newcomers how best to suck on the government teats just like whores advertising their wares in glass windows.

Down south too, our neighbours are turning sour on the Democrats. Most people worth their salt do not want to be citizens of a nanny state, there is no dignity in such status. Of course, there will always be those whose mental laziness will not allow them to see beyond the brown envelops they receive every week, rain or shine, postal strike or not. You and me will receive pink slips, those on the government's teats have never known what it is like to be laid off. They get their pay-checks without fail

Being an immigrant myself, I hate it when I see the Liberals and the NDP putting on a grand show, pretending to care for the down-trodden. If they really and truly cared for the down-trodden and the minorities, they would be singing a completely different tune. They would be showing the new Canadians and the minorities that the government will always do the right thing to keep them safe which = keeping criminals and terrorists in jail and away from normal law abiding citizens. The exact opposite happens every time and every day. New immigrants coming to Canada cannot be fooled forever. They can see for themselves how the Liberals and the NDP are working overtime to free the scum of this earth from the clutches of the law, and how they take credit for letting such scum walk freely amongst the new immigrants' children and themselves.

What brought on this rant? The laughable sentences that the Toronto 18 have been given. I hope the commie media and the commie bloggers are proud of what they do.


  1. I'm curious to know what you think of the giant cheque scandal which is the current focus of political discourse.

  2. Balbulican - keep the mask for halloween, you idiot.

  3. nos200 - I know this is a couple of weeks later, but what do you think of the giant cheque scandal now that it's been indicated that the Conservatives have done NOTHING wrong with regard to the issuance and signing of these cheques?


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