Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ahh hah ....what do we have here ?! Justice Bardwell was a DEMOCRAT until 11 months ago

Smack!!!   And double smack!!!   Where do you find the most racists, lefty boys and girls?  In camps other than the Conservatives, that's where. This racist guy must have lost it when Obama became Prez and out of racist frustration, switched camps.

Oops! When the media reported that Louisiana Justice of the Peace E. Keith Bardwell is a Republican, they left out one very important detail – he was a lifelong Democrat until switching his party affiliation in December, 2008.

That, of course, means that Bardwell was a registered Democrat when he declined to perform four previous interracial marriages.

via: fivefeetoffury      Justice Bardwell racist democrat in republican clothes

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