Friday, September 11, 2009

Stop Shariah Now - new project launched by Brigitte Gabriel

Brigitte Gabriel works tirelessly to fight the menace of Shariah from gaining a foothold in America. Awareness of her work is beneficial to Canadians as well,  because we do not want women like Barbara Hall and other nitwits of similar ilk to try  and introduce Shariah law in Toronto, not ever. Yes, that utterly stupid woman had tried to, but her foul intentions were foiled  by courageous women, mostly Muslim women who rebelled against the  madness that goes by the name of Barbara Hall.

Please send the information of this website StopShariahNow to your friends, especially to all the women you know with a request that they forward it to others. There are videos at the site to bring awareness to the general public about  the threat of Shariah.

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