Monday, September 7, 2009

Sarah Palin speaks her mind on the AP photographs controversy

A few hours ago, Palin came out with a statement:
Shame on the Associated Press for Ignoring the Wishes of a Grieving family.

Many of us join Secretary Gates in condemning the Associated Press for its heartless and selfish decision to turn its back on the wishes of a grieving family in order to exploit the tragic death of a true American hero.

Lance Corporal Joshua 'Bernie' Bernard was a selfless young American who sacrificed everything for our freedom.
Shame on the AP for purposely adding to the grieving family's pain. Ignoring the family's wishes by publishing a sacred image of their loved one proved a despicable and heartless act by the AP. The family said they didn't want the photo published. AP, you did it anyway, and you know it was an evil thing to do.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bernard family. Words can not adequately express our sorrow and appreciation for your sacrifice. We will never forget your Marine or his fallen comrades.
May God bless the Bernard family.

Personally, I have boycotted AP completely so I am happy to say I have been spared looking at the painful photographs of a dying soldier. AP is now a pawn in Soro's hands and as such the news service has ceased to have any credibility whatsoever.

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