Monday, September 7, 2009

One more prophetic reading on what's in store for our neighbour

This long article by ex-Sheriff Jim Schwiesow who has had 46 years in Law Enforcement, sure packs a solid punch. Schwiesow wrote this scalding piece in early May and I fear to think what his opinion would be now given the deterioration we have seen in the months following that date.

....If God can cause a jackass to speak He can cause an unscrupulous political recreant and serial prevaricator such as Joe Biden to utter a prophetic truth. Not only will Barack Obama be tested, this entire nation is in for a time of testing never before experienced in its entire history. The only fabrication here by the old plagiarist is the application of the word brilliant to Obama, he is in fact of moderate intelligence with an I.Q. of 125. In this category Biden exceeds him by 20 points, the pertinent factor is that neither of them possesses that ever-decreasing mental attribute, common sense.

If in fact the people expected to be rescued, by the election of their new messiah, from the perverse policies of a totalistic government and a diversion from the crooked policies of the George Bush Administration they have been brutally and greatly disillusioned as such have intensified tenfold under the new despot. The fact that both political parties act in tandem with the multi-nationalists, are corrupt and generally cut from the same perverse cloth seems to escape them. It is analogous to changing shirts and selecting a new one from a soiled laundry hamper, one is wearing a different shirt, but it is still dirty.

.....His roaring and cheering believers were told, straight from their messiah’s mouth, that he decried the murder of babies, but before the ink was dry on his oath of office he enabled the funding by American taxpayers for abortion abroad, the blood of fifty four million murdered babies in this country was not enough to satiate the satanic bloodlust, this American infanticide had to be exported.

He said that he believed in traditional marriage between a man and woman, he lied. He said the he believed in secure borders and a curtailment of illegal immigration and again he lied. If his lips are moving he is lying. His administration files amicus curiae briefs in support of every action to seize and curtail constitutional guarantees and in support of every damnable social perversion. He is the chief liar of the great collection of liars in his administration..........

1 comment:

  1. This gentleman certainly tells it like it is. The Chinese curse of life during interesting times is upon us and I fear that it may very quickly become ugly beyond my imagination.


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