Saturday, September 12, 2009

Obama's deceit ..Manufactured anger at UK, but had okayed Lockerie bomber's release .. Page 12

See my previous posting on this corrupt - None other than Obama
Now, BBC wants to show, once again  that Obama is indeed  angry at the UK over the Lockerie bomber's release.  Like the rest of the MSM,  BBC is in love with the Messiah and surprisingly even in their own home base of the UK. (I wonder what percentage of stock Soros holds in BBC worldwide, would be interesting to know, but terribly difficult to find out as the holdings would be under innocent looking entities)

Item: Dead man at the controls at BiasedBBC
And commentor George R over at BaisedBBC  observes :
Yes, the BBC has a confused political voice; when it reports from its American base, the BBC is pro-Obama; when the BBC reports from its British base, the BBC is pro-Brown. But when the story involves both men, as in this story, the BBC is inclined to let Obama shade it politically, with an eye to the BBC's 'utopian' future, perhaps.
When it comes to more global political matters, the BBC is inclined to fall in with the dominant Arab/Muslim bloc at the U.N.

How very true, every word.

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