Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obama's blunders and lies .. My uncle was in first troops that liberated Auschwitz .... page 8

Wrong, wrong, wrong! Soviet troops liberated Auschwitz not American troops. Obama's mother was an only child and his father's brothers were not part of any American army.

Obama is an accomplished pathological liar AND an accomplished manipulator of the sheeple. His cynical manipulation of his audience should become a dissertation for psychology students for decades to come. That would be a never-ending task for the students as a dissertation of what goes on inside Obama's  skull would need reams and reams of pages if not entire text books. Pathological liars don't value the truth, especially if they don't see it as hurting anyone, and if they are confronted with the fallacy of their statements, they will counter back with "what's the big deal?".

Okay, maybe he meant to say "great-uncle" and even if he missed out on the "great" and the great orator of our times came out with just "uncle" he is still lying through his teeth about his relative being a part of the first American troops to liberate Auschwitz. This slip of Obama's is not forgivable and should not be forgotten as he has claimed often times to be a lover of history. If one is a history buff, can one make that many errors about one's own family during a very important time in history. Obama wants talking points, that's all. The truth or fallacy behind the points is something he cannot be bothered with.

Of course his campaign people came out with something like "he actually meant Ohrdruf work camp which was a sub-camp of the Buchenwald concentration camp, and it was his great-uncle Payne." .


  1. Seems kind of petty to pick on Obama for a slip of the tongue. The only reason this is even news is because Obama rarely makes such slips, whereas his predecessor provided enough such material to regularly supply Jay Leno and David Letterman with nightly fodder.

    The error is switching "uncle" for "great uncle" and Auschwitz for Buchenwald (both concentration camps). Clumsy? Yes. A spot-on example of outrageous dishonesty? Not so much.

  2. Petty? No, I don't think it is petty to pick on Obama the Great. Were you making like Rip-Van-Winkle when the left were flinging everything they had at Bush?
    Are you delusional or something? You are saying that Bush was regular fodder for comedians but Obama is not. Why do you think that is? Is it because they do not have enough material or is it because Obama can do no wrong in the eyes of the media.
    Jonathon, if you want to walk the middle way, go ahead and do so.
    Do not expect everybody else to do the same.

  3. Theres a big difference between Auschwitz and Ohrdruf work camp.And obamas relatives were not in the Soviet army either.


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