Saturday, September 26, 2009

Golden boy was loved by Toronto ... NOT

If the comments are anything to go by,  Miller was the worst mayor the city of Toronto has ever had.

Worst Mayor in Toronto's history

What are the bets that his next job will be with CUPE ?  

1 comment:

  1. OMG David Miller is a Harvard educated (oxymoronic) lawyer. There is no further explanation needed for understanding why these guys look good on paper, PHD's etc. (Obama, Rae, Ignatieff), but can't deliver. Anyone with a Harvard degree should be an automatic suspect of ineptitude - they deserve to run the world because they really are the smartest guys on the block. Someday an enterprising blogger should make a list of Harvard grads in politics and business. Isn't there some version of "Murphy's Law" about rising to your own level of incompetence? Cheers.


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