Monday, August 10, 2009

The Truth about Sarah Palin, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - Part Two

The leftosphere maligned Palin with claims that: Sarah Palin is a destroyer of wild life in Alaska. Sarah Palin hunts and kills wolves from helicopters. She sits on sofas made from bear hide THE TRUTH IS : In 2006 Alaska's Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) introduced a "predator control" program to contain the population of wolves because the wolves were killing off a large number of moose and caribou. The program was welcomed by the residents of Alaska as a vast majority of Alaskans are hunters of caribou. The Governor of Alaska, when the Dept of Fish and Game introduced the program, was Frank Murkowski. The Palins were among other game hunters who hunt in Alaska and who welcomed the program. They did their part to hunt down the predators and maybe even managed to bag a few. This from the link posted below: The state maintains that predator control is a well-managed program to provide more game in areas where rural hunters say wolves and bears are killing too many moose and caribou calves, leaving them with too few to hunt and eat. Critics say it is aimed at wiping out more than 80 percent of wolves in a large swath of Alaska — about the size of Wyoming — to benefit mostly urban hunters. .....According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, predators kill more than 80 percent of the moose and caribou that die during an average year, while humans kill less than 10 percent. The aim of the program is to temporarily reduce wolf numbers but not to permanently eliminate them in any area, according to Fish and Game.

discoverynews ADF&G's Predator Control Regulations The Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) staff indicated that their target was to hunt and kill approximately 250 wolves and they hoped that target would be met. Keep that number in mind - 250 predatory wolves and then compare it to this mind-boggling statement: 4 Million dogs are euthanized in the USA on an annual basis. Did you break out in a sweat of rage ?!! I did. These leftist numbskulls vilify Sarah Palin for wolf control of 250 wolves in Alaska, whereas they are perfectly okay with the killing of 4 million lovable, sweet, cuddly dogs.

One tends to wonder how much funds the Defenders of Wildlife organization managed to get from gullible people like Ashley Judd who became a spokeswoman for the fight against Alaskans who were buying permits to hunt down the predatory wolves from helicopters. One tends to wonder why the Left made such a noise about Sarah Palin hunting these poor sweet predatory wild wolves only after she came into the spotlight as the running mate of the presidential nominee McCain.

Of course, no hypocrisy can be detected there, none whatsoever. Anyone who sees anything remotely like hypocrisy is stupid and less than human. One tends to wonder also why all these animal lovers do not do something about 4 million dogs, yes 4 million dogs, lovable, cute, nothing wrong with them dogs, dogs that don't kill caribou and moose, but are euthanize annually in the USA. Yes, one tends to wonder why wolves are lovable and should not be hunted and killed whether from helicopters or on foot, but dogs can be shot to death with a vet's needle and nobody gives a hoot. dogs in danger in USA, Wolves are protected in Alaska

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