Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sudanese police beat and tear gas women supporting Lubna Hussain

Sudanese journalist Lubna Hussein, is kissed by a supporter as she enters court. women beaten and tear gassed Could the feminists in Canada get together to show their support for the women of Sudan. Can we please write to CBC and CTV to expose this situation. I already have. CBC: contact info CTV: contact info


  1. We blogged about this at DAMMIT JANET! when it happened, here, on July 13.

  2. Could you try a little harder at actually appearing like you care about oppressed women by not using such posts to attack feminists - you know, those people who fight for gender equality, including the right for women to wear whatever they want?

    Some may think you simply use the plight of the oppressed to push your own bias.


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