Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming...

CBC reports that: The Department of National Defence has sent a surveillance plane to waters off Canada's East Coast to monitor a pair of nuclear-powered Russian submarines in the area.

The attack subs were first spotted on Aug. 5 in international waters off Georgia, according to officials. The presence of the boats was leaked to the New York Times last week by anonymous security analysts. A pair of Russian Akula nuclear submarines, like the one shown in this file photo, have been spotted off of Canada's East Coast. (Associated Press)

While the subs were off the U.S. coast, the Pentagon was also monitoring their movements but no action was taken against the vessels. Canadian officials said information indicates the Akula-class warships have now moved north Russian subs nearing our coasts Off topic: I wonder if the missing Russian cargo ship has actually been hijacked by pirates off the Swedish coast and maybe taken to one of the 1000s of islands littered all over the Barents Sea. If so, then the Somalian Pirate Enterprise is going International.

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