Monday, August 3, 2009

Rules of Engagement - Part VIII

When you come face to face with your opponents take confidence in the sharpness of your aim and archery. Your weapon is the knowledge you have of yourself and of the enemy. Your fountain of strength and purpose of will is an abundance of nature that the enemy can never surpass. Go forth and destroy the imposing statues of the enemy's false gods. Thus, they will be left with broken, defaced boulders on which to bang their empty heads.

Karl Marx - god of the leftosphere - racist, scumbag and moocher ....  Let me tell you more about the Left's hero the scumbag Karl Marx.
There is a book out there titled "Karl Marx - Racist" by Nathaniel Weyl and if at all leftists read it, they will do so in secret. Leftists hold this racist scum in such high regard. They absolutely adore this scum ball to such an extent that one can imagine them on their knees every night, paying homage by reading (praying) from his books. The god(s) of the leftist scum were scum like themselves. Why are we not surprised! The Left has the gall to call Conservatives "racist" while all the time licking the feet of racist slime balls like Marx. I would like to trample the legacy of this man deeper than the depth of the grave he was buried in.

Marx was a moocher just like most of the leftists of today. Marx never did a full day's work in his life, he was always living off on the charity he begged off from those around him. He was always in debt and never looked for any meaningful employment. If not for Friedrich Engels (another scumbag commie, but with money) who bequeathed a sum of money to Marx towards the last decade of his life, Marx would have been mooching off other people, until his death in 1883 at the age of 64.

Marx not only despised and hated the black man, as previously shown here this man was such a super-duper scumbag, he hated his own kind too. How many of the Jews who are staunch leftists today know of Marx's book "On the Jewish Question" also known as "The world without Jews"? The man was an anti-Semite and the idiotic Jews who make up a large contingent of the leftosphere of today, know zilch about this man that they have put on a pedestal.

Marx was a Jew who hated his own kind, just like many of the leftists Jews of today. Go figure. Marx had six legitimate children, three died in infancy. The three surviving children, all girls, were as neurotic as their father. Marx doted on the three girls, and they on him; maintaining a cool distance from their mother. In many ways their relationship would be considered to be incestuous. Go research for yourself why I make that statement.

Marx left many, many things unfinished, one was a play called Oulanem. The characters in the play all seethe with hatred against the world and everyone in it. Sound familiar ? I have always maintained that Leftists are completely irresponsible and never accept the consequences of their actions. Responsibility is not theirs to maintain, not ever. How many of these nutty idiots know that Marx had an illegitimate son, a son born to a household servant Lenchen Demuth. Marx, the eternal scumbag devised a scheme to keep his wife in the dark and at the same time to offload the infant on someone else. He begged Friedrich Engels to claim paternity of the child. Although, not many were fooled by this trick, it enabled the devious Marx to rid himself of any responsibilities, both financial and otherwise.

"Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels," writes Nathaniel Weyl (1910-2005) an American economist and author of "Karl Marx - Racist" who has also written on a variety of social issues. He was a member of the Communist Party of the US from 1933 until 1939. After leaving the party he became a conservative and an avowed anti-communist. "were neither internationalists nor believers in equal rights of all the races and peoples. They opposed the struggles for national independence of those races and peoples that they despised. They believed that the 'barbaric' and 'ahistoric' peoples who comprised the immense majority of mankind had played no significant role in history and were not destined to do so in the foreseeable future." They regarded them as obstacles to the forward sweep of history. They considered them as objects rather than subjects. They were people who ought to be conquered and exploited by the more advanced nations. Some of these inferior stock, "...were people who ought to be eradicated and swept from the earth." 

According to Weyl "Both Marx and Engels posed as friends of the Negro. In private, they were anti‑black racists of the most odious sort. They had contempt for the entire Negro Race, a contempt they expressed by comparing Negroes to animals, by identifying black people with 'idiots' and by continuously using the opprobrious term 'Nigger' in their private correspondence." This is the major honcho scumbag who happens to be the Numero Uno hero of the left. What does that say about them? Need I say more?

 Confucius quote: Study the past if you would define the future

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