Monday, August 17, 2009

The double standards and shameless hypocrisy of the Left

The screeching of the Lefty media, including the lefty blogosphere here in Canada, over the Obama joker poster screams out one word louder than their pathetic howls: HYPOCRISY, but unfortunately that's a word that is not found in the leftosphere's dictionary. No sirreee!! And oh BTW, before I forget, let me mention here that the people who were carrying the signs which had Obama with a Hiltler moustache were proven to be lefties pretending to be righties. Why are we not surprised!! Go google to get more info if you don't believe me. Here's an article in the WSJ which reminds people what had happened during Bush's presidency. quote Protesters stalked his motorcade, assailed his limousine and stoned a car containing his advisers. Chanting "Bush is a terrorist!", the demonstrators bullied passers-by, including gay softball players and a wheelchair-bound grandfather with multiple sclerosis. One protester even brandished a sign that seemed to advocate Bush's assassination. The man held a large photo of Bush that had been doctored to show a gun barrel pressed against his temple."BUSH: WANTED, DEAD OR ALIVE," read the placard, which had an X over the word "ALIVE." . . . A third sign urged motorists to "HONK IF YOU HATE BUSH." A fourth declared: "CHRISTIAN FASCISM," with a swastika in place of the letter S in each word. Although reporters from numerous national news organizations were traveling with Bush and witnessed the protest, none reported that protesters were shrieking at Republican donors epithets like "Slut!" "Whore!" and "Fascists!" ...angry demonstrators brandished signs with incendiary rhetoric, such as "9/11 - YOU LET IT HAPPEN, SHRUB," and "BUSH: BASTARD CHILD OF THE SUPREME COURT." One sign read: "IMPEACH THE COURT-APPOINTED JUNTA AND THE FASCIST, EGOMANIACAL, BLOOD-SWILLING BEAST!" Yet none of these signs were cited in the national media's coverage of the event. By contrast, the press focused extensively on over-the-top signs held by Obama critics at the president's town hall event held Tuesday in New Hampshire.Sammon was with the Washington Times at the time; part of his Aug. 25, 2002, report is here.To some extent the discrepancies in coverage are defensible as a matter of news judgment. A left-wing protest is a dog-bites-man story; screaming, chanting and carrying obnoxious signs is simply what those people do. On the right, by contrast, there is no tradition of such demonstrations--with the notable exception of the antiabortion movement--so that when one (or many) materializes, it represents a genuine phenomenon. unquote read the whole thing here If you are into reading only a couple of long indepth articles a day like me, please let this be one of them.

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