Friday, July 24, 2009

Pressure tactics to curb settlement development will embolden Israelis - and rightly so

Obama and his court jesters should know when to keep their pieholes shut. If they think Israelis are pushovers, they are sadly mistaken. "Mayor Benny Kashriel is a friendly, aggressive defender of Maale Adumim's right to expand. He says the last 450 units that have prior government approval are under construction and will soon be occupied, with no immediate plans for further expansion. He says Obama's pressure tactics will bring a backlash from settlers in the West Bank, for which he prefers the Biblical names Judea and Samaria. "And now 280,000 people in Judea and Samaria will be together against him, will demonstrate together, and will not let our government compromise with him," he says." A lefty friend of mine sent me this today. Maybe he is starting to agree with me on my stance re. Israel or maybe not.

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