Saturday, July 11, 2009

More Cartoons of Sarah Palin because I can and because She Will in 2012 !!!

Palin swimming upstream towards 2012.


  1. God help us all if Palin becomes leader of anything.

    PS Conservatives hate fags, gay parades and gay marriage. Get with the program.

  2. You are delusional. That mantra no longer works. Think of something more original.

  3. President Palin in 2012!

    She is still far more qualified than Obama, and while Obama sucks up to elites and 'plays the game', Palin kicks the elites and changes the game.

    It's no surprise that media can't stand her, their stock in trade is access to 'movers and shakers' and being able to pass along the brilliant theories of our 'betters' in the upper circles.


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