Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday morning's "snort start" according to Michelle Malkin

Oh we Conservative bloggers are something else !!! Humor happens to be our stock in trade. We definitely need laughs, more so when we are surrounded by all the nitwits lurking around and lunging at us from every nook and corner. Michelle Malkin says: "For a Monday morning snort-start, check out the video via Newsbusters of African journalist Nkepile Mabuse fact-checking anchor Don Lemon over the weekend. Aptly named. Lemon certainly looked like he had swallowed something sour after Mabuse rejected his obsequious suggestion that President Obama’s warm welcome was somehow “unprecedented.” read the comments too, they are so funny


  1. I'm not sure what's funnier, the look on his face, or the horror in that scabby old Helen Thomas when she discovered that the "O" team had been leading the media around by the nose.

  2. Too bad she didn't mention that President Bush did more for Africa than any other American President and all the European countries combined, especially in the fight against AIDS.

    CNN would have cut her off of course.


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