Friday, July 31, 2009

Killers of men go scot free but we destroy dogs for nipping. Justice - Canadian Style

The Yukon Supreme Court is to hear its first capital case in living memory when a judge decides the fate of a dog who supporters say stands unjustly accused. If they win, the German-shepherd-Rottweiler cross named Trevor will probably go to a new home in the bush outside Whitehorse. If they lose, he will be destroyed. "He's on death row," says Kevin Sinclair, the Whitehorse man who's already won one injunction to save the two-year old male with big brown eyes from that most dreaded of all vet visits. "Trevor just got a raw deal," says Gerry Steers, president of the Yukon Humane Society. "That's why we're fighting to save his life." Trevor the Dog on Death Row

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