Monday, July 6, 2009

Cartoon by Terry Wise - Palin steps down


  1. Palin kicked ass in Alaska, the business-political 'old boys networks', her own party, the oil companies - in short, she brought the kind of change to Alaska that American voters thought they were going to get when they voted for Obama. Palin's done her best to make Alaskan government work for Alaskans - exactly opposite of what Obama is doing. Democrats and Republicans in Washington know this, so they're all very scared of her. Hence the constant vitriolic attacks by all forms of media, the Establishment must keep her out or else their gravy train is over.

  2. Yes, she is a strong, principled woman. What she has accomplished in Alaska is terrific. I was there in June 2007 and was amazed to find such a young, beautiful woman at the helm. The fluff that goes by the name of "democrats" in USA, are terrified of good people like her. We here in Canada have a huge fan following for Sarah Palin. Long Live Girl Power... YAHHHHHHH.

  3. "I was there in June 2007 and was amazed to find such a young, beautiful woman at the helm."

    No fluff there...

    The only thing terrified of Sawah, are the animals that she shoots from helicopters.


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