Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Look who's managing the slaughter of Yemenis by Saudi Arabia ... none other than angelic United Kingdom

If it's not the USA partnering in slaughter here, there, everywhere, then it's their little helper the UK where the Windsors, originally of German stock, made themselves kings and queens and hunting for blood and gore, especially of other human beings, their favorite sport.

Understandably, although we will deny it to high heaven, the Muslim anger being vented out on young innocent English girls in the UK, is probably the result of such actions by the governments of their adopted countries, on the Muslim immigrants' old countries, where still resides their family, friends and neighbours.  But, as the majority of the present generation in the West are not first nor even second generation immigrants, they have long forgotten what it is to be one.

From TelegraphUK
UK military 'working alongside' Saudi bomb targeters

Saudi foreign minister confirms claims that British military advisers are in operation room of heavily criticised bombing campaign

 British military advisers are in control rooms assisting the Saudi-led coalition staging bombing raids across Yemen that have killed thousands of civilians, the Saudi foreign minister and the Ministry of Defence have confirmed.

The Saudi air force, along with the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf allies, have backed the internationally recognised government in Yemen against a rebellion that swept much of the country from the north.

But this coalition has been heavily criticised for striking civilian targets, and Britain is under particular fire as a major weapons supplier to the Saudi air force.

The admission that British officers were working alongside Saudi and other coalition colleagues in the campaign’s operations rooms came in a briefing to The Telegraph and other journalists by the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir. ....

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