Thursday, December 17, 2015

United Kingdom lets the USA take all the heat for supplying arms to the Middle East lunatics while, ...

as usual, it continues to quietly overload the cavemen nation and its allies with every kind of killing instrument.
More and more I find myself agreeing  with LaRouche that the main culprit is the UK whose agents have infiltrated the USA and are influencing the USA's disastrous foreign policies.

Conor Gaffey at IndependentUK
UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia fuel ongoing Yemen conflict, says Amnesty report
Amnesty and Saferworld say UK’s continued dealings with Saudi Arabia violate national, EU and international law

U.K. arms sales to Saudi Arabia are fuelling the ongoing conflict in Yemen, according to legal opinion obtained by humanitarian agencies.

Amnesty and Saferworld, which are both members of the Control Arms Coalition, said that the U.K.’s continued dealings with Saudi Arabia, in context of the latter’s intervention in Yemen, is in violation of national, European-Union and international law. Saudi Arabia is leading an airstrikes campaign in Yemen, the latest round of which killed at least 15 people on Monday.

The two humanitarian agencies sought the legal opinion of several international-law experts on the U.K.’s arms dealings with Saudi Arabia. The U.K. has issued more than 100 arms export licenses to Saudi Arabia since the airstrike campaign began in March, and licenses for exports to Saudi Arabia were worth more than £1.75 billion ($2.61 billion) between January and June, according to Amnesty..........

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