Monday, December 14, 2015

Just a handful of facts our wonderful governments stock full of the chosen elite ....

keep from us insignificant peasants.  
Below just a few salient points from the article.

Ian Sinclair writing at OpenDemocracy
10 facts the government doesn’t want you to know about Syria

Fact 1: The West has been involved in the Syrian conflict since 2012 ....
....By March 2013 the New York Times was quoting experts who said these arms shipments totalled 3,500 tons of military equipment...

....By June 2015 US officials told the Washington Post that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had trained and equipped 10,000 Syrian rebels at a cost of $1bn.....

Fact 2: The West has known that extremists were prominent in the Syrian insurgency, and that the arms they sent into Syria have often ended up in the hands of extremists, since 2012.....

....After “extensive interviews with Syria policymakers from the Obama Administration” McClatchy’s Hannah Allam recently noted the Obama Administration “was warned early on [in 2012] that al Qaida-linked fighters were gaining prominence within the anti-Assad struggle.”

Despite this, from 2012 the US has given a wink and a nod to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to support the Syrian rebels. ....

Fact 3: The US has encouraged ‘moderate’ rebel groups to work with the Nusra Front, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, and has probably knowingly supported jihadis itself ...
...Furthermore, in July 2015 the New York Times reported that although the US-trained Division 30 Syrian rebels were attacked by the Nusra Front when they entered Syria after their training, US officials said “they expected the Nusra Front to welcome Division 30 as an ally in its fight against the Islamic State.”

In addition, a formerly classified US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) report from 2012 noted that “the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI (al-Qaida in Iraq) are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.” The next sentence of the report is as follows: “The West, Gulf countries and Turkey support the opposition”........

Fact 4: The West has prolonged the fighting and blocked a peaceful solution to the conflict...
....In addition, Avi Shlaim, Professor Emeritus at Oxford University, recently explained that Western insistence that Syrian president Bashar Assad must step down sabotaged Kofi Annan’s UN efforts to set up a peace deal and forced Kofi Annan to resign. ....

Fact 5: The West has helped to create the conditions in Syria and Iraq that have allowed IS to grow and prosper...

Fact 6: The West’s allies in the region have been supporting extremists in Syria, including IS...
....According to an August 2014 article in the Washington Post, Turkey “rolled out the red carpet” to Islamic State and other jihadists fighting the Syrian Government. Wounded jihadists from IS and the Nusra Front were treated at Turkish hospitals while Turkish border towns became way stations for moving foreign fighters and arms into Syria. IS “were able to grow in power partly by using the border region of a NATO member – Turkey – as a strategically vital supply route and entry point to wage their war”, the Washington Post notes.....

Strange that Ian Sinclair, the author of this article which has links aplenty, fails to note that Israel too, like Turkey, has been rescuing, mending and re-sending headchoppers back into Syria. If only journalists could tell the whole truth and not leave out Israel's notorious role in the Syrian conflict, they would gain more credibility. IMO, having failed to include Israel's role in aiding jihadis, Sinclair fails as a true journalist desiring to tell the truth.

Fact 7: Western airstrikes in Syria and Iraq have killed hundreds of civilians...

Fact 8: Western bombing of IS is counterproductive and has likely boosted recruitment to the group....

Fact 9: Western airstrikes will likely contribute to the refugee crisis....

Fact 10: The Government’s claim that there are 70,000 moderate Syrian rebels willing to work with the West is completely bogus...

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