Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wanna know how USA and Canada helped bring more intensified madness to the Ukraine?

From NYPost:
‘Emperor Palpatine’ wins city council   seat in Ukraine
The Dark Side was victorious in Ukraine — where a man going by the name of “Star Wars” villain Emperor Palpatine claimed a seat on Odessa’s city council.

Palpatine Dmitry, 25, won 54.4 percent of the votes in Sunday’s mayoral election in Odessa, according to a mayoral candidate’s Facebook Post.

“A cartoon comrade of Darth Vader – Palpatine – received 54.4 percent of votes in Poselok Kotovskogo [one of Odessa’s neighborhoods]. Palpatin Dmitry, born in 1990, who works as an emperor at ‘LLC Palpatine Finance Group’ makes it to the city council on the Trust Affairs party list,” a bemused Aleksandry Borovik wrote.

“This is beyond my understanding,” the pol added. “People, what’s wrong with you?”

In the “Star Wars” saga, Emperor Palpatine is known as Darth Vader’s mentor and is infamous for destroying the Jedi order........

More here.

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