Sunday, February 15, 2015

World War III news and updates ..... February 15

Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon, Chad, Algeria.....

So good to see one of the most courageous truth tellers, Lizzie Phelan (remember the Libyan reports from this woman?  Everything she reported on at that time was ridiculed as coming from a hysterical woman.  Bet she feels very much vindicated now, but are those who ridiculed her feeling ashamed?  Of course not!  Such people rarely have any supply of that commodity to start with anyway) now working for RT. 

From YahooNews
The Islamic State group   released a video on Sunday purportedly showing the beheading of Egyptian Coptic Christians the jihadists say they captured in Libya.
The footage released online shows handcuffed hostages wearing orange jumpsuits being beheaded by their black-suited captors on a seashore in the Libyan capital of Tripoli.
In the latest issue of the IS online magazine Dabiq, the group said 21 Egyptian hostages were being held, and pictures showed a similar background.
The video, titled "A message signed with blood to the nation of the cross", has a scrolling caption in the first few seconds saying it is directed at "People of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian Church"....

.......A spokesman for the Egyptian foreign ministry confirmed to AFP in Cairo that 20 Egyptians had been kidnapped in two separate incidents in neighbouring Libya.....

From France24
Two suicide car bombs wound six in Egypt's Sinai
Two suicide car bombs wounded six people on Saturday when officers fired on the vehicles as they approached a police station in the restive Sinai Peninsula, officials said.
The brazen daytime attack occurred in the town of Sheikh Zuweid in North Sinai where security forces are battling an Islamist insurgency.
The bombings came after a deadly militant assault last month killed 30 soldiers in North Sinai.....

Heartwarming news!  Yes, ISIS please go invade your natural home .... Saudi Arabia.  Go home ISIS, go home!  Your destiny lies there, close to the mad making meteor which will have no effect on you as every last one of you is a rabid dog  and not human.

 From TheCitizenIndia
Recent posts on Twitter indicate that Islamic State (IS) supporters may be readying to carry out a rather curious demonstration in Saudi Arabia. The plan involves the purchase of helium balloons -- presumably painted black -- decorated with the IS logo to be released at 3 PM after Friday prayers in Mecca. Supporters are then to film a ten-second video of their balloon release, and share it on social media with the hashtag #RainInvasion.

Whilst the demonstration itself seems fairly innocuous, the significance lies in the fact that there seems to be increasing support for the IS in Saudi Arabia. A week ago, a video released by one of IS’ official media wings -- Al-Batar Media -- purportedly showed a drive-by shooting of a Danish citizen, Thomas Hopner, in Riyadh. The video, titled “The First Rain,” was allegedly carried out by the group’s newly launched “Saudi branch.”

The group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has in numerous video and audio recordings, called for attacks against the Saudi regime. In a video released last month, Baghdadi declared a target list for attacks in Saudi Arabia, without mentioning the country by name because it is a name derived from the ruling tribe, the al-Saud, whose authority IS does not accept. Baghdadi referred to Saudi Arabia as the “head of the snake and stronghold of disease.” The topmost position on the target list was accorded to Shias in Saudi Arabia. The leader urged supporters to “draw their swords” to fight and to kill Shiites, using the pejorative, sectarian term “rafidhah” for the sect......

From AlAkhbar
Houthis Take Control of Yemen Without Seizing Power.
The Houthis’ first step toward governing Yemen seems like a necessary option imposed on Ansarullah due to the failure of Yemeni parties, following days of intensive talks, to reach a solution to the political crisis and fill the power vacuum created by the resignation of the president and his government under external pressure.
After months of gaining ground throughout Yemen’s provinces, Ansarullah (the Houthis) has translated its progress into clear political gains. The Houthis have now taken control of the government, yet without assuming power themselves, and will oversee a two-year transitional phase through a “constitutional declaration.” The declaration was made in a large ceremony at the Yemeni presidential palace.
Many will no doubt describe what happened as a coup. However, events from the past few weeks show that the group’s activities are geared towards consolidating its new position in Yemen on the basis of partnership. The vacuum left by the resignation of the president and government put pressure on the Houthis, drawing it into the chaos, at a time when internal forces are preparing to engage in an armed conflict with the group.....

From Independent
Isis could reach the Mediterranean if order is not restored in Libya, the country’s former prime minister has reportedly suggested.
Ali Zeidan warned Libya’s fractured government and its access to weapons and ammunition seized during the fall of Colonel Gaddafi has made it more susceptible to the activities of jihadists, according to The Times.......

From France24
Delegates from Libya's rival   parliaments gathered for the first time Wednesday for talks aimed at ending months of instability in the violence-plagued country, the UN mission said.
"Participants arrive in #Ghadames for round of political dialogue aimed at ending #Libya's crisis," the United Nations Support Mission in Libya said on Twitter.....

From BBC
Nigeria's Boko Haram   militants attack Chad for first time.
Nigerian Boko Haram militants have carried out an attack on Chad overnight, the first such assault on Chadian soil, officials say.
Fighters crossed Lake Chad in four motorboats and attacked a village, an army spokesman told the BBC.
The Islamist militants were pushed back by Chadian troops after killing several people, residents said.
Chad recently joined Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon in a military coalition against Boko Haram....

From ForeignPolicy:
Bahrain Is Still My Country
I have been imprisoned, tortured, and now made stateless for protesting against the cruel monarchy. I won’t stop. But when will the United States and Britain realize they are backing a thuggish autocracy?
On Jan. 31, I was speaking from my home in London with a Bahraini friend in Lebanon about the ongoing crackdown in Bahrain. Suddenly, I received a pop-up message from WhatsApp: “72 Bahraini citizens have had their citizenship revoked.”
“I think my citizenship has been revoked,” I said, opening the link. He was laughing at me as I scrolled down the list, searching for my name. ........

From Yahoo
Bahrain to send troops   to support fellow kingdom Jordan
The tiny Gulf island nation of Bahrain says it will send troops to support regional ally Jordan.
The Bahrain Defense Force's General Command said in a statement carried by the state news agency Sunday that the move underscores "the solid brotherly ties of kinship and solidarity" between the kingdoms.
It gave no details on the timing or size of the deployment. Bahraini military officials could not immediately be reached for comment......

Warlord Netanyahu, primo hypocrite and racist, invites "white" Jewish diaspora from France and Denmark to migrate to Israel but have we heard him extending that invite to "brown" Jewish families in war-torn Yemen or "black" Jewish families suffering persecution in Ethiopia? 

From AP
The youngest to die was a 4-day-old girl, the oldest a 92-year-old man.
They were among at least 844 Palestinians killed as a result of airstrikes on homes during Israel's summer war with the Islamic militant group, Hamas.
Under the rules of war, homes are considered protected civilian sites unless used for military purposes. Israel says it attacked only legitimate targets, alleging militants used the houses to hide weapons, fighters and command centers. Palestinians say Israel's warplanes often struck without regard for civilians.....

From RT
More Muslims needed in British Army,   urges military chief
More British Muslims should be recruited into the UK’s armed forces, one of Britain’s highest-ranking soldiers has said. Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK blamed the poor uptake on the community’s ‘demonization’ and Britain’s ‘unethical’ foreign policy.
General Sir Nicholas Carter, Chief of the General Staff, admitted that the number of ethnic minorities in the army was “nowhere near where it needs to be,” particularly in relation to religious minority groups such as Muslims.
Figures released by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) showed only 0.54 percent of regular soldiers identified as ‘Muslim’ – with many coming from commonwealth countries, rather the UK.
According to the figures, there are just 480 Muslims serving in the British Army, one of the lowest representations of a minority group across the forces.
Ethnic minorities are generally unrepresented, with non-white ethnic groups making up less than 10 percent of the British military – around 9,100 of the 88,500 troops in the regular forces.

“We have to do more. My highest priority is ensuring we continue to have the best possible talent throughout our army,” General Carter said. ........

From CBC
  A brief brush with police triggered the unravelling of an alleged terror plot to derail a passenger train in the name of radical Islam, the trial for the two men suspected of masterminding the scheme heard Tuesday.
Raed Jaser and Chiheb Esseghaier still seemed determined to carry out an attack that would take people's lives, court heard, but after the incident they had different ideas on how to do it......

From TorontoStar:
Few convictions under U.K. terror law  that served as model for Canada
British law against encouraging terrorist acts has led to six convictions since 2006, but it has forced extremists to tone down their discourse....

.....Laws against glorifying terrorism were also adopted in Australia last November, before Harper’s Conservatives introduced its legislation last week.....

From France24
35 IS jihadists killed in clashes with Syria Kurds: monitor.
At least 35 Islamic State jihadists were killed on Sunday in clashes with Syrian Kurdish fighters around the flashpoint town of Kobane, a monitor said.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the deaths came in three separate clashes around the town in Aleppo province of northern Syria.
At least 22 of the jihadists were killed in fighting on the border between Aleppo and Raqa province, where IS has its de-facto capital......

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