Sunday, February 8, 2015

World War III news and updates ..... February 8

Some of the countries in it, either in major or minor roles:
USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania, Mexico, Gambia, Haiti, Cameroon, Chad, Algeria.....

From Bloomberg:
Islamic State Tightens Its Grip on Shaky Libya
The U.S. war against Islamic State has not yet extended to Libya. But the terror group is rapidly expanding its presence and activities there, and the embattled government is asking for Washington to include Libya in its international fight against the Islamic extremists....

From Yahoo
Shiite leader defends Yemen takeover

Shiite leader Abdel Malek al-Huthi on Saturday defended his powerful militia's establishment of transitional bodies to resolve Yemen's political crisis, in the face of street protests and international criticism.
"This historic and responsible initiative is in the interest of the country... because it fills a political vacuum," Huthi said in a televised address to his supporters gathered in a northern Sanaa stadium.
The formation of a "presidential council", announced on Friday, would also head off the threat from Al-Qaeda which has a strong presence in east and south Yemen, Huthi said......

From Sputnik:
Russia and the United States consider a dialogue on constitutional reform an integral condition of achieving peace in Ukraine, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on its official Facebook page Sunday.
On Saturday Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry held a meeting within the framework of the Munich Security Conference.

"Russia and the United States proceed from [the fact] that launching an overall nationwide dialogue on constitutional reform is an indispensable condition of achieving stable and just peace in Ukraine," the ministry said in a statement.......

The ethnic cleansing of Russian-speaking pro-Russian Ukrainians from eastern Ukraine continues to continue with eager aid and help from the West.

From Channel4
Jordan carries out a third day of airstrikes against Islamic State targets as it "avenges" the murder of a Jordanian pilot who was burned to death by the jihadist group. The kingdom launched airstrikes on Islamic State positions in Syria and Iraq on Thursday. On Saturday the government reported that "sorties of air force fighters bombed (Islamic State) bases".
A security official told Reuters that Jordan had conducted 60 raids over three days, mostly targeting the Syrian stronghold of Raqqa. They had hit targets including ammunition depots, training camps and a communications tower, the official said......

The jihadi scum reporting that an American female hostage has been killed in a coalition strike on a building where they were holding her, has not been confirmed by the USA.  It's not possible that only the hostage was killed in the bombing and by some miracle the jihadi scum occupying the same building managed to escape.   If she has indeed  been killed by the coalition bombing, then IMO, it's a blessing rather than to see her in a video being burned to death or beheaded.
From BBC
The extremist group   Islamic State is claiming that a female American hostage they were holding has been killed in a coalition air strike in Syria.
Images, which the BBC cannot confirm are authentic, have been posted online of what is purported to show the site of the strike in the city of Raqqa, an IS stronghold.
The hostage has been named as Kayla Jean Mueller. ....

....There are many who have raised doubts about Islamic State's claim that Kayla Mueller was killed in a coalition strike in Raqqa - in an attack in which none of its own fighters died, it says.
Jordan has increased its participation in the bombing of the militant stronghold since one of its pilots was shown being burned to death by IS militants, and officials in Jordan insist they will keep up the pressure.
Saying a Western hostage has been killed by Jordan is being seen by some as an attempt to take the wind out of the sails of this renewed Jordanian resolve to fight the militants......

From IndiaTimes
Egypt: 151 militants killed in army raids in North Sinai
At least 151 militants were killed in army raids during the past three days in different parts in Egypt's North Sinai region, official sources said.
Forty-seven of the 151 militants were identified as dangerous 'Takfiri' leaders. Twenty-two of them are Egyptian while 25 others were of different nationalities, sources said.
The raids came days after President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi ordered the formation of a military leadership for Sinai and the areas east of the Suez Cana.......

From Foreign Policy
The Battle for the   Qalamoun Mountains
Along the Lebanese border with Syria, Hezbollah is preparing for an all-out war with the Sunni fighters of al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State.
AL-QUSAYR, Syria — This embattled western Syrian city, which lies six miles from the Lebanese border, remains all but deserted. The majority of the residents have not been able to return, while the very few who have not already fled are forced to navigate their way through dozens of checkpoints and pockmarked roads, maneuvering around collapsed buildings. The streets are piled high with mounds of rubbish, and children pick their way through the rubble from one street to the next. Entire buildings remain gutted and derelict.
Almost two years ago, huge battles raged inside Qusayr between the Syrian army and Hezbollah on one side, and militants from the Syrian armed opposition on the other. Today, the city remains destroyed, an unrecognizable shell of its formerly vibrant self..........

From Yahoo
How Arab world's newest cable news source made a splash, only to dry up
Bahrain-based Al Arab Television, owned by Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, was taken off the air a day after debuting with an interview with a local opposition leader. 'Technical' reasons were cited.
On Feb. 2, the deputy leader of Bahrain’s largest opposition bloc, the Shia group Al Wefaq, made his way to the headquarters of Al Arab Television for the network’s debut on air.....

From APS
Algeria “vigorously” condemned   the terrorist attacks perpetrated by the group “Boko Haram” in the cities of Fotokol (Cameroon), Bosso and Diffa (Niger), said Saturday the Foreign Affairs Ministry in a communiqué.
“Algeria vigorously condemns the terrorist attacks perpetrated by the group Boko Haram in the cities of Fotokol in Cameroon, Bosso and Diffa in Niger and expressed its solidarity with the brother people and governments of Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger and Chad,” added the source.
The escalation of violence and the increasing number of acts of murder, kidnapping and sabotage in Nigeria and in the bordering countries by the group Boko Haram is a “source of preoccupation” and a “true threat” for peace and stability in Western Africa and in Central Africa, underlined the communiqué.
Algeria “hails and supports the efforts deployed by the African Union, the Lake Chad Basin Commission and other sub-regional organizations to quickly set up a joint multinational force able to meet the challenge of the fight against terrorism,” added the source......

For the first time, Pakistan military has begun training personnel of the Afghanistan Army; six cadets of the Afghan National Army are in Islamabad to join the Pakistan Military Academy in Abbottabad for an 18-month long course.

This move indicates a major change in policy for Kabul.
Ironically, Abbottabad is the Pakistani city where Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was found to be hiding, and killed by United States Navy Seals on May 1, 2011.
During President Hamid Karzai's tenure, Afghanistan had refused to send its personnel for training in Pakistan despite repeated invitations by the neighbouring nation......

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