Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Can you hear the silence from FoxNews, CNN, CBC, BBC ?

This is the reason why most reasonable people prefer prevention rather than the "cure" that hate-filled people resort to.

Can you hear the silence of the media?????!!!!

If only the immigration departments in the Western countries had laid down the rules well before Muslims migrated here with their traditional custom of women wearing black masks and headgear while men wearing white nightgowns ... which immediately identifies them as  Muslims,  sad and tragic incidents like the one below could  have been avoided.  These two vibrant young girls would have known that their head coverings are not welcomed in the Western society and they would have either opted to stay away from the Western educational system or they would have come anyway but refrained from continuing to wear their traditional outfits while in public.

I blame the Western politicians and especially the Immigration Departments for not spelling out precisely and clearly what was expected from all immigrants, whether they be Muslims or not.

Doug Stanglin writing at USAToday:
Chapel Hill 'rocked' by killings    of 3 Muslim students.
The mayor of Chapel Hill, N.C., said Wednesday that the college town has been "rocked" by the shooting deaths of three Muslim students that the father of two of the victims calls a "hate crime."

The fatal shootings have sparked condemnation from a national Muslim civil liberties group and triggered a Twitter uproar over allegations of anti-Muslim bias.

The victims, all shot in the head, were identified as Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, and his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, of Chapel Hill, and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, of Raleigh, police said. The two female victims were sisters.

Barakat, a Syrian-American and a second-year dental student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Yusor Mohammad were married in late December.

Chapel Hill police release a 911 call from a witness who heard gunshots and screaming following the deaths of three Muslim students. Craig Stephen Hicks turned himself in to officials and has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder. .....

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