Friday, October 24, 2014

McDonalds vs Organic food

Send this to those snobbish friends (you know you have plenty) who won't step into a McDonalds.

Josh Elliott writing at CTVNews:
Wrap a chicken burger in wax paper and it's fast food, but stick a toothpick in it and you've got yourself some organic, high-class cuisine.
That's the strategy two Dutch pranksters used at a food show in the Netherlands, where they tricked seasoned food critics into believing McDonald's food was actually a new, organic fast food alternative.
In a video posted to YouTube, the two men buy some McDonald's and use a chef's knife to slice up the greasy fast food into bite-sized morsels for a food show. Then, they asked food connoisseurs at the event to compare their "organic" offerings to traditional McDonald's fare.
"It's definitely a lot tastier than McDonald's. You can just tell this is a lot more pure," one girl says in the video, which includes English subtitles.
"Rolls around the tongue nicely," another critic says. "If it were wine, I'd say it's fine."
"It's just a pure organic product, and that makes it very tasty," another man says........

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