Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Helen of Troy launched a 1000 ships, Anders Fogh Rasmussen's mug launches 4000+ comments after it's reported he wants to launch 4000 "travel light but strike hard" troops aimed at Russia

Many of the comments had to be deleted by the moderators at TheGuardian but I am sure they would have been so much fun to read.   HAHAHAHAHA.  NATO has no credibility, NONE. Instead of deescalating the Ukraine situation,  NATO nuts like Rasmussen are pushing onwards to a war which will see tens of thousands killed .... hopefully not millions,  although I think it's NATO's intention to achieve that outcome.

Have people noticed how the MSM have suddenly started using the acronym for North Atlantic Treaty Organization with only the "N" as a capital letter?  It used to be NATO, but recently I have noticed too many articles spelling NATO as "Nato" .... things like these enforces what many of us believe .... that the Western news media get their write ups from just one main source.  If that one main source misspells a word,  the whole bing-bang gang of talking heads and journalists will do the same. This is not even "Group-Think"  this is plain and simple zombie "Group-Do."

Ewen MacAskill writing at TheGuardian:
Nato to create high-readiness force to counter Russian threat
Spearhead force will be made up of around 4,000 troops with capacity to 'travel light but strike hard', according to Nato.

Nato is to create a 4,000-strong "spearhead" high-readiness force that can be deployed rapidly in eastern Europe and the Baltic states to help protect member nations against potential Russian aggression, according to Nato officials.

Leaders from the 28 Nato countries are expected to approve the plan at the alliance's summit in Wales when the Ukraine crisis tops the agenda on Friday.

The Nato secretary-general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said the force, drawn on rotational basis from Nato allies, could be in action at "very, very short notice".

Rasmussen described it as a mixture of regular troops and special forces that could "travel light but strike hard". It would be supported by air and naval forces as needed.

He declined to say how many troops would be engaged but Nato officials said it would number around 4,000 and would be expected to deploy to any alliance member country within 48 hours..

"It is so that we are ready should something nasty happen," a senior Nato official said.

Russia is likely to view the creation of the high-readiness force as an aggressive move........

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