Wednesday, July 2, 2014

News regarding the Middle East and other Muslim hells .... July 2

Afghanistan's Taliban don't give up.  They feed on blood and gore.
From EveningTelegraphUK:
Eight killed by suicide bomber. 
Eight military personnel were killed and another 13 wounded when a suicide bomber attacked an air force bus in Afghanistan's capital today.
Army general Kadamshah Shahim said the bomber was stopped before he could enter the bus, probably limiting the number of casualties.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, confirming that the air force bus was the target.

The caliphate of the UK sucks up to the kingdom of Bahrain.
From GuardianUK:
Tory fundraising party: Bahrain lobbyist sat with defence secretary
Almost 20 lobbyists and PR specialists attended 2013 summer party, including Earl of Clanwilliam who represents Bahrain government.
Nineteen lobbyists and public relations specialists were present at the summer party including Paddy Gillford (the Earl of Clanwilliam), who represents the government of Bahrain and who headed one of the more prominent tables, hosting defence secretary Philip Hammond......

Christians returning to their villages from having fled to Iraqi Kurdistan region
Christians from Qaraqosh fled their hometown for the Kurdistan Region following clashes between the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham and the Iraqi Army. Five days later, they are returning to their homes. 
Kurdish Peshmerga forces have cleared Qaraqosh and areas around the town from any ISIS threat....

.....On June 26, ISIS militants attacked Qaraqosh areas killing and injuring some Christian citizens and most of the 5,000 residents of the area started to flee to the Kurdistan Region....

The hate grows and grows with no end in sight.  
From AlJazeera:
East Jerusalem clashes follow teen's murder
Largest fights erupt in years amid probe into link between Palestinian's killing and murder of Israeli settlers.
 Dozens of people have been injured in the largest clashes in occupied East Jerusalem in years, as Palestinian residents of the city fought with police after the mutilated body of a boy was found dumped in a forest outside the city.
The body may belong to Mohammed Abu Khdair, a 17-year-old resident of the Shuafat neighbourhood who was abducted on Wednesday morning......

ISIS/ISIS know their cars. Plan to caliphate Italy so they can get their hands on Ferraris and Lamborghini. Nice!  The Italians deserve it because they threw open their churches to followers of satan.
From TelegraphUK: 
Rome will be conquered next, says leader of 'Islamic State'
Muslims have been called to flock to the 'Islamic State' to gather for a battle against non-believers throughout the world.....

Nuns missing from Mosul
From AINA:
5 Assyrians, Including Two Nuns,  Missing in Mosul.
The Assyrian television channel Ishtar TV is reporting that 5 Assyrians have gone missing in Mosul. Two Chaldean nuns from the Daughters of Mary Order, Sister Miskintah and Sister Utoor Joseph, as well as Hala Salim, Sarah Khoshaba and Aram Sabah have not been heard from for nearly two days.
Sisters Miskintah and Utoor managed an orphanage for girls in Mosul, in the Khazraj neighborhood near Miskintah Church. After Mosul fell to ISIS, the two nuns brought the orphaned girls to the city of Dohuk for safety. The Nuns returned late Saturday to Mosul, accompanied by Hala, Sarah and Aram, to inspect the monastery but there has been no contact with them nor any trace of their whereabouts since then...........

Nigerian Christians are pussies.  Not worth crying over.  If they had any sense they would lay their hands on weapons and either defend themselves or take the battle to the scummy Boko Haram.
From CBC:
Boko Haram blamed for Nigeria car bomb that kills at least 56
Dozens feared dead in Maiduguri, in latest explosion linked to Islamic extremist group.
A civilian patrol group says a car bomb in a marketplace in the northeast Nigerian city of Maiduguri has killed at least 56 people.
Sadiq Abba Tijjani, leader of the Civilian Joint Task Force, said his group recovered at least 56 dead bodies at the blast site Tuesday, although many were in parts or burnt beyond recognition....

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